Before You Book....

When making a booking with us, our aim is for the process to be as straight forward as possible.

Before accepting your reservation, we will ask to see your cat's vaccination records. We do this in order to safeguard your feline friend, during their stay with us.

Below, we've included some examples as to what we deem as acceptable proof of vaccination alongside some frequently asked questions on said topic. 

If you're still unsure after browsing our entry requirements, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Example 1

Above you'll find a typical vaccination cert that your veterinary clinician will provide after vaccinating your cat.

Although your vet will hold a record of all vaccines administered, it's important to keep your cert safe as you'll need this should you wish to change vets, travel with your cat or board them at a cattery.

When uploading a cert through the booking form on our website or via WhatsApp we need to see the cert in it's entirety, including the following : 


  • Date Given 

  • Next Vaccine Due 

  • Vaccine/Batch No. 

  • Stamp & Signature of Vet

  • Owner Details (Name & Address) 

  • Pet Details

  • (Name/Age/Sex/DOB/Breed) 

Once we've received a cert similar to the above we'll verify all the details and create a file for your cat on our vaccine database. 

On occasion, we may ask for an email or headed letter from your vet to accompany a cert for a number of reasons(i.e. misleading dates or no dates recorded on cert). 

Example 2

This example is also an acceptable proof of vaccination from your vet. 

If you've misplaced your original cert (Example 1), you can contact your vet and ask them for a 'History Printout/Document'.

This document must clearly state and contain the following :


  • Must be on the veterinary practises headed paper, including their address & contact telephone number.

  • Owner's name & address. 

  • Cat details (Name/Age/Sex/DOB/Breed). 

  • Invoice must have a date. 

  • Vaccine Type : Kitten 1st Visit/Kitten 2nd Visit/Annual Booster. 

  • Name of vaccine administered/batch no.

  • Date of when vaccine was administered.

Following receipt of this, we will verify the details and in some cases may contact your vet to clarify certain aspects of your cat's history should the document be inconclusive. 

Entry Requirement FAQ

What vaccine will my cat require to board with you?

We require your cat to be vaccinated against the following :

  • Feline Enteritis/Panleukopenia
  • Feline Calicivirus
  • Feline Herpes virus 
  • Feline Leukemia

Does my cat need a rabies shot to board?

No, we don't require proof of vaccination against rabies in order to board. 

My cat isn't vaccinated, can I still make a booking?

Yes, we can accept your booking on the basis that your cat will be fully vaccinated prior to arrival.

In such circumstances we also require payment in full.

My cat needs a booster shot before they arrive, can I make a booking?

Of course!

If you make a booking but your cat needs a booster between the booking being made and their arrival, that's acceptable and quite a common occurance for us.

Attach their cert to the booking form or send via WhatsApp. We'll create a file for your feline friend and remind you to send the cert when the booster is due. 

My cat isn't vaccinated, what will I do?

If your looking to make a booking with us but your cat isn't vaccinated, you'll first need to call your vet to schedule an appointment. 

During this visit, your cat/kitten will receive it's first vaccine. A second appointment will be scheduled 3-4 weeks later where your cat will have another shot administered.

Only until 7-10 days after this second jab will be your cat be adequately protected to board with us.


My cat missed it's booster shot, can my cat still board with you?

Should you miss your cat's booster vaccine, contact your vet as soon as possible. 

Your vet will allow a 12 week period from when this was due before restarting the vaccine program from scratch. 

How often does my cat need a booster shot?

Every 12 months from the last vaccine recorded by your vet. 

My cat is due a booster shot during their stay with you, what should I do?

In short, speak with your vet and explain the circumstances. We find 99.9% of vets are happy to give the booster shot a number of weeks early to accommodate your plans.